New bins and benches are being installed during August and wildflower seed planting will take place during the Autumn.
The park has had so much more use over the past 20 months, and we are still seeing new faces all the time. As you might expect, there is more wear and tear on paths and grassed areas that needs attention, and we also want to introduce new facilities.
The management committee are keeping an eye out for funding opportunities and different ways of raising money to make our park even better.
If you have an idea for fundraising, please let us know – just email us!
This is a belated but heartfelt thank you to the Scouts, Cubs and Beavers and of 10th Royal Eltham Division and their noble leaders who contributed time and energy to regenerating a neglected patch of the park on Plum Lane across from Dallin Road.
The intrepid Peter and Keith of Parks and Open Spaces tree gang managed to clear out the bird boxes along Dothill path mid February ready for new tenants. However housing is at a premium for the moment because three of the boxes had been seriously vandalised by parakeets and/or squirrels. Hard to tell.
These were taken down and will be replaced. Eight of the boxes had been inhabited, the same as last season. But not the same boxes…hmmm
Who’s holding the ladder?
Battling the increasing chilly wind they re-positioned the 6 bat boxes that had been refurbished. You’ll spot them roughly in the same area as before. Many thanks to Clive who re-roofed the bat boxes and Peter and Keith for their expertise and ladder!
Our park is in need of a little TLC, so if you are able to lend a hand for and hour or so on Saturday (weather permitting, if it’s pouring we will re-schedule) to help cut back some of the overgrown vegetation, we would be really glad of your help.
We are meeting at the cross road at Dot Hill at 11am, please bring secatuers, gloves and any other tools that you think might be helpful.
Many hands make light work ! Thanks in advance from the Management Committee
Thank you very much to everyone who turned out for bulb planting. The weather was kind and we managed to find homes for all 1000 crocuses and 1000 native daffodils. After scientifically considering the light, drainage, views – and if we could manage to get a trowel or spade into the ground – we planted in several areas which will be revealed this spring.
Formed in 2006, the Friends of Shrewsbury Park encourage the use of Shrewsbury Park and support the development of facilities for recreation, education and amenities for local people and to encourage a sense of community around the park.