The Management Committee continues to fundraise on an ongoing basis to improve the park. We raise money at our Summer Festival, on the sale of the calendars, and we apply to Companies and Trusts for help. If you have any ideas on how we can fundraise, please get in touch.
Although we could raise money by asking members for subscriptions, we decided to stop subscriptions in February 2011 in order to become more inclusive.
The Friends of Shrewsbury Park gratefully acknowledge the contibutions made by the following donors supporting park events and contributing towards maintaining the park:
Veolia Trust
Veolia Trust awarded a grant to pay for the kissing gate, path drainage, and notice board on Dothill path, along with the bird boxes, and a commitment from the Royal Borough of Greenwich to help with the shortfall.
Interfaith Action
The Friends was approached by Amber Poppelaars, the Project Manager with Interfaith Action, who offered volunteers to help with reclaiming the path through the former Nature Reserve.
Godstone Charity
We received a grant from the Godstone Charity to promote the story and values of the Open Air School, London’s first permanent school for children with special health needs set up in Shrewsbury Park in the Summer of 1908 .
Tesco, Woolwich
Donated a hedge trimmer for use in maintaining the park.
Parksfest, Greenwich
Many of our Summer Festivals have received funding from Parksfest, administered by the Friends Forum.