The date of this year’s festival is …………..
Sunday 21 July 12-4pm
We’re busy putting together an amazing line-up as well as activities for dog-lovers and of course the children!
Thank you to Royal Greenwich Parks and Open Spaces for the 2000 free bulbs given to FSP in November. And to Woodlands Trust for the shrub saplings.
They are all planted at last, thanks to the efforts of a select team of members on the last Saturday of January.
Thank you Zena, Paul and Clive (photographer).
Kris – Management Committee
Dig out the boots and join one of the Spring Walks and Talks planned: Birds, trees, flora foraging and bats!
Full details for each walk will be up in the park notice boards, emailed to members and on this site as they come up.
All walks are now free but donations to support park projects are gratefully accepted.