It’s time to adjust your night vision for the now annual Bat Walk. After a short intro – next to the notice board by the Plum Lane car park – Les Clark will lead the walk through the woods and glades where the bats hang out. Bat detectors supplied!
This time we ask that you book your free place in advance using;
A maximum of 50 people allows everyone to get the most out of the experience. If you don’t have computer access please drop a note through the door at 189 Plum Lane with your name and phone number.
Wear suitable footwear (maybe bug spray too) and bring a small torch if you have one. The walk is approximately 1 1/2 hours. Dogs are welcome if kept on a lead.
If it’s raining neither bats nor us will be coming out!
In case you don’t know firsthand, the Summer Spree was a huge success, the quintessential Summer Afternoon in the Park. And the Astronaut Training was a delightful addition.
Astronauts of tomorrow
Special thanks to the Management Committee: Ron Senkus, Sonja O’Sullivan, Iris White, Sandra Bauer, Paul Buckley, Alan Deacon and Andy King. They pulled out all the stops and made the event happen in style.
All of us would like to thank the members of FSP (and their tireless friends and families) who delivered leaflets, baked, took photos for the competition, suggested ideas, put up gazebos, dragged chairs and tables and boxes around, ran errands, ran stalls, served endless thirsty people and spread their cheerfulness in what was a truly neighbourhood event.
You may not know but the extensive allotments at the edge of the Park have always been a substantial portion of Shrewsbury Park. On Sunday during the Summer Spree allotmenteers are offering tours of the plots and plenty of advice about growing your own.
Turn up at the Allotment gate at the end of Rowton Road or check at the FSP Membership stall at the Festival for directions.
Formed in 2006, the Friends of Shrewsbury Park encourage the use of Shrewsbury Park and support the development of facilities for recreation, education and amenities for local people and to encourage a sense of community around the park.