Here are some terrific photos, including the entries, received since October 2020.
Gallery is always open so please keep contributing.
Below you’ll see the events planned, so far, and we hope they whet your appetite to get outdoors in the Park!
Congratulations to Andy King for having taken the most popular Park photo in the competition! We had fifty-two entries, that’s fifty-two different and imaginative ways of looking at Shrewsbury Park. Thank you everyone who entered, and everyone who voted at the Summer Festival.
It’s time to get snapping for the FSP Photographic Competition, if you haven’t already. Get out in the Park and capture your images of the views, the trees, the creatures, the park users. We need them all for judging at the Summer Festival on 11 June and the winning results will feature in the FSP Calendar 2017. The overall winner gets the cover position. All proceeds from calendar sales go towards our Drinking Water Fountain Fund.
Send your photo files – jpegs please, with minimum resolution of 2 megapixels – to with the words ‘photo comp’ as the subject. We will confirm receipt of photos and give information regarding display prints to be used for the Festival exhibition.