Category Archives: Events

Annual General Meeting 21 January 2025

You really don’t want to miss the AGM of The Friends of Shrewsbury Park!

Tuesday 21 January 2025 at 7pm in Shrewsbury House, Bushmoor Crescent

We’ll start with the business meeting including Chair’s Report, Treasurer’s Report and election of Management Committee. If you’d like to join the Committee please check out the December email again, and then contact us prior to the meeting (

Please bring your comments and concerns for new business as well as events you would like to support.

One of our members whom you may already know, Roy Williams, with be giving a talk on dog behaviour strategies to make the park safer and more relaxed for ALL users, including the dogs. Q&A afterwards.

Spread the word to anyone who is new to the neighbourhood. If you know anyone who could use a written version of this info, let us know or print one out for them, please.  
See you there!
Kris Inglis and the Management Committee  

Bramble Battle!

It was time to fight back the brambles, a continuous job to keep variety in Shrewsbury Park – and still reap the tremendous blackberry crop this year.

Our local Scout leader, Ruby Shand rallied some Scouts to work on their hedgerow area and the Plum Lane path. She also happens to run the Volunteer Days for Barclays employees and once again organised a gang of 25 to donate their time and energy to park tasks.

They followed the expert guidance of John Denton, whose butterfly transect and paths really needed opening up. Plus the crossroads corner and other adjacent paths were cleared for all park users. At least until the next spurt of growth!

They enjoyed the gorgeous day, time outside and a picnic for lunch. And we would like to thank them all for a sterling job which hopefully you are all benefiting from as you walk the park.

Thank you Barclays and 10th Royal Eltham, John for leading and Ruby for organising.

Summer Festival Success

And a good time was had by all!

Our annual celebration of the park event co-sponsored by Parksfest, Greenwich, was a rousing success thanks to the Management Committee and loyal helpers-on-the day from the membership. There was a diverse mix of craft and community interest groups stalls, tasty local food on offer AND the return of the Dog Show to kick off the day.

The weather cooperated for attendees bringing their picnics, families and friends to enjoy music, entertainment and simply sharing the delights of Shrewsbury Park.

I wish to sincerely thank Sandra, Iris, Zena, John, Ron and Roy of the Committee who took charge and did the lion’s share of the work in the lead up and on the day. ( I was unable to be involved this time – Kris, Chair)

We are always open to new Committee members so please consider joining and adding your skills. FSP do a lot of nature-based activities as well as the Festival and Quizzes. Look out for the AGM in November or contact anytime. The Park needs its Friends Group more than ever.

Here is a gallery of the Festival highlights:

Shrewsbury Park Festival and Dog Show 2024

Sunday 30 June 1-5pm

Come along and enjoy our amazing festival! There are some fantastic local stallholders including a food and drink offer, plus delicious cakes and Icecream! Mmmmmm!

Our local Brewery, The Green Goddess will be there, as well as plenty more to keep you amused

We’ll be welcoming back Ronnie Ripple and the Ripchords who graced the stage last year, as well as Manny Fizzotti and dancers from Roos Dance Academy too!

Shrewsbury Park Dog Show

We’re running a Dog Show in the morning (before it gets too warm) – dogs and owners can register from 10.30 in the park (we’ll be in the section of the park nearest the golf course). The judges will be assessing our furry friends in categories like ‘Waggiest Tail’, so there is no pressure to perform!

Come along and have some fun with your pooch! We’ll share the photos here on our website and also our facebook group.

Stallholder List

Walker & Crossley Arty Farty Signs & Plaques
Janice Jupp – beaded ornaments
Full of Surprises Uk
The Green Goddess (mobile bar)
Fabric Folk Tales Community Stall and Textile Consultation)
Tina’s Magnifi-scents
Toy Mania
Eetra’s Jewelry
Little Wheel Ceramics
Wheel Up | On The Rise
Face painting
The Greenwich Tea Company
Purple Hat Pots
Chealsons Coffee
Shanns handmade gifts
Sweet treasures
South East London Community Energy
Glitzy Body Art
ice cream world Ltd (Ice Cream Van)
Lalu Catering
Blackheath Pet Supplies


QUIZ NIGHT BACK at Shrewsbury House

Friday 31 May 6.45pm for 7pm

All proceeds to benefit Shrewsbury Park.

Our amazing Quizmasters, Geoff and Dee will ask some suitably tricky questions, and we even see the return of the charades round by the Improvshrews!

Come and join us – bring your family, friends or anyone with a quizzer brain and have a barrel of laughs – you won’t regret it

Open Bar with snacks available in the House

At just £8 per person, it’s a very cheap and fun night out, so come and join us!

Bring your own nibbles
Tempting Raffle Prizes
Renowned Quizmasters Dee and Geoff
Prize for the winners (and for the biggest losers!)

Tables of 6 maximum:  Just to make it fair and spread the brains around equally!

Tickets via eventbrite: 

Get your tickets here:

Summary of November AGM

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Friends of Shrewsbury Park 16 November 2023 at Shrewsbury House, Bushmoor Crescent

WELCOME & MATTERS ARISING FROM 2022 AGM – not covered in the agenda

This year’s calendar was the result of our merchandising survey in January.

Park signage – permanent, informative identification of wildlife, landscape, habitat, views. (Project will be pursued through the Greenwich Neighourhood Fund available through RBG. The plan is to apply in the spring award period

Improve paths in Nature reserve area and removal of camp – will continue next maintenance day.

CHAIR’S REPORT – by Kris Inglis It’s been a year of regrouping for the Friends and the Management committee – being flexible with the Parks and Open Spaces department and encouraging new volunteers to membership and activities.  I’d like to give a quick rundown on what DID happen;

FEBRUARYDaffodil bulb planting across Rowton Road open space with the help of 10th Royal Eltham Scouts; late but successful results. Also some hard work by members clearing the steps to Wrekin Road. I would like to thank Zena and Dave for supervising this activity.

MARCHDedication of a bench to our dear friend Sonja O’Sullivan, overlooking the view.     

APRILBird Walk led by Tim Rymer

MAYDawn Chorus walk, with Tim, which led to discovery of a sparrow hawk nest. Quiz at Shrewsbury House run brilliantly by Geoff and Dee Goodwin.

JUNEForaging Walk led by Kevin Godby, expanded the knowledge of this popular pastime.

JULYSummer Festival, in a new format due to many hiccups and circumstances, turned out to be a happy and inclusive giant picnic atmosphere. Thanks to everyone who helped or simply joined in on the day.

Meadow maintenance day with volunteer teams from Barclays Bank and Scouts, all rallied together by Ruby Shand who is involved with both groups.

AUGUSTBat Walk led by Les Clark on International Bat Weekend

SEPTEMBERHistory Time Walk led by Andy Brockman ending up at Shrewsbury House bar

OCTOBERProduction of 2024 calendar from members contributions. Launched sales in the Park one Saturday

NOVEMBERCall out for volunteers to spread wood chippings delivered by Council to improve Dothill pathway. Ten people showed up to help!

**Thank you so much to all the walk leaders who volunteer their time and specialised enthusiasm as members of FSP. We’re developing a reputation as a natural park and haven for wildlife thanks to these walks.

TREASURER’S REPORT – by Sandra Bauer, read by Zena Marshall

Since last year, the management committee have made a number of decisions around      how to handle the Friends Of Shrewsbury Park finances. 

The first decision was to change from NatWest bank where we did not have access to electronic banking, nor a debit card merely a cheque-book. After researching, we decided to go to Metrobank who welcomed community accounts. The new account was opened in July this year.

Secondly we decided to purchase a debit card reader, so that we could take electronic payments at events. We were able to test this when selling our calendars. The SumUp machine also enables us to have an online store. People can order calendars from this website and pay online.  

The treasurer has full access to electronic banking and can make transfers. Two other members of the management committee hold debit cards so that they can make payments where necessary. 

The new account does mean that we need to limit the amount of cash we take as there are charges for processing cash into the bank account.  Wherever possible we would like to move to contactless payments. 

To summarise the year’s financial position, we are in a slight deficit when compared to the previous year. However, we have recovered most of the cost of the memorial bench that we had installed earlier this year. There is a clear plan for maximising income, which will enable us to make improvements to the park and continue to hold events. 

Accounts for 2022-2023 are available on the website or on request


Mowing schedules and concerns have been clarified more than ever this year with the Parks Dept who share the same objectives of preserving the variety of species habitats on Shooters Hill (including the adjacent golf course and farm). You may have seen the big blue tractor, finally mowing the meadow in November. The plan is to start rotation mowing this summer, 1/3 of the area per year. This is the proven and sound approach for plants and insects, the base of a healthy environment for all.

Amenity mowing (keeping grass short for sport and playing) in the field by the carpark, main walk to and including big field, will be continued 3 times a year. Desire line paths that you see around other areas will also be maintained.

*We are always talking with Parks Dept re paths with disability and buggy access.

*We try to keep a balance of the range of park users’ expectations.

*We aim to make the best use of the council’s resources coordinated with FSP volunteers’ time and energy.


Present committee was introduced and agreed to continue for another year: Sandra Bauer, Alan Deacon, Kristine Inglis, Zena Marshall, Ron Senkus, Iris White – with two brand new members John Rastall and Roy Williams.

The committee was proposed, seconded and voted in unanimously. Any FSP member can volunteer to join the committee, please contact a current member for a chat or email any time.

If you feel you could train up for the Treasurer’s position don’t hold back.


We are very heartened by a growing number of volunteers for planting and maintenance days this past year. I’d like to build up that bank to call on when needed, for example the November woodchip-spreading marathon!

And your yearly generosity of time for the day of the Summer Festival is what makes that event happen, thank you.

AOB: comments and concerns from attendees – many points and queries shared and answered.

Late Summer Time Walk

On Friday 8 September, 25 local residents enjoyed stepping back in time with Dr Andy Brockman.

Our subject matter was: Front Line Park: Shrewsbury Park in the 20th Century Including the LCC Open Air School and defence of London.

After meeting by the car park, we visited the area where the open air school had it’s buildings, and saw photographs of the school in action. We were able to view documents that described how the children were selected, educated and monitored, turning out healthier and well nourished pupils back to their homes.

Strolling back through to the car park with Andy, we saw clearly where the barrage balloons were tethered. We learnt how these were used in the foiling of enemy aircraft, driving them away from bombing targets.

We were told a few interesting (and funny) stories about how this all worked, which Andy had taken from some testimonies of local people at the time.

Andy expertly brought to life these amazing past events and fielded questions as we went along. Ending up at Shrewsbury House, there were more artifacts to look at, as well as a very welcome Friday evening beverage or two.

We look forward to our next foray into local history!

They made a difference!

Many sincere thanks to Barclays Bank, Canary Wharf branch, and to 10th Royal Eltham Scouts for there brilliant and cheerful efforts clearing habitat areas in the Park on Friday 28 July.

Ruby Shand, master organiser of both groups, brought her crews to help FSP volunteers cut saplings and brambles in the meadow ready for late summer mowing, spread woodchips on the Dothill path and then pile the cuttings for the Rangers to pick up. The Scouts uncovered the thriving hedgerow their members planted 4 years ago, an annual effort

Super teamwork, everyone! And we look forward to their next visit, we’re taking you up on that generous offer!

And an extra thank you to the passing spontaneous volunteer named Peter, who lent his time and barrow skills for a couple hours!

Barclays volunteers off road
Scout territory

Picnic in the Park

Our 2023 Festival didn’t disappoint! Great music, great stalls and most important of all our fantastic local community came out in their droves – we estimate we had around 500 people attending over the course of the afternoon. We are so grateful for your support – this is the reason the committee put in the work – thank you for making it amazing!

And an extra thank you to the current Committee members: Sandra, Iris, Zena, Ron and Alan who spent many an hour planning and troubleshooting to put the event together. Can’t leave out the trusty core volunteers who turn up for set-up and take-down and always with a smile. – Kris, Chair

And thumbs up to Greenwich Parks Forum for their support and the Greenwich Borough Park Rangers who made sure the site was clean and clear, before and after.

If you have any of your own photos of the 2 July to add, please send them to