BAT WALK- Friday 27th August – starts 8.30pm

Gather next to the notice board by the Plum Lane car park.           After a short intro Les Clark will lead us through the woods and glades where the bats hang out.                                                                           Bat detectors supplied. Thanks to the Lottery Grant last year we have 3 more of our own. And these are available for a week’s loan (see BATS under FLORA and FAUNA in the menu bar)

BOOKING ESSENTIAL! Use this link..

*Wear sturdy shoes and weather-appropriate clothing

*Children must be accompanied by an adult

*Walk lasts about 1 ½ hours and small torches are useful

*Dogs must be kept on a lead

*Please respect social distancing guidelines when walking with other individuals or groups, or wear a mask

If you have mobility issues or enquiries please contact us on and we will help you participate. The trail is a mix of paved path, gravel and grass.


New investment from the Council

We are pleased to report that as part of Royal Greenwich’s £1million investment in parks across the Borough, we now have a new park name sign at Plum Lane.

New bins and benches are being installed during August and wildflower seed planting will take place during the Autumn.

The park has had so much more use over the past 20 months, and we are still seeing new faces all the time. As you might expect, there is more wear and tear on paths and grassed areas that needs attention, and we also want to introduce new facilities.

The management committee are keeping an eye out for funding opportunities and different ways of raising money to make our park even better.

If you have an idea for fundraising, please let us know – just email us!

new sign to Shrewsbury Park on Plum Lane