In September we offered an evening Bat Walk and an afternoon Time Walk to showcase different aspects of Shrewsbury Park.
Category Archives: Events
Barrows to Barrage Balloons – Saturday 10 September at 2pm
This year’s Time Walk will show you how Shrewsbury Park developed, and how it fits into the wider landscape of Shooters Hill.
Continue reading Barrows to Barrage Balloons – Saturday 10 September at 2pm
Tree ID Walk Saturday 9 July at 11am
Join John Denton, a woods-wise FSP member, as he leads us on an hour’s walk through the Park; identifying trees by leaf/fruit/bark, finding the height of trees, calculating their ages, making bark and leaf rubbings AND tree beating!
Correct meeting place is by the notice board in Plum Lane carpark . Wear sturdy shoes. Route will be off and on the paths, so please contact to help us accommodate mobility issues.
Members free, others £2 (but free if you join the Friends)
Happy Festival Days!
Thank you all for turning out for the weekend of fun, despite the drizzles. With your help we raised over £500 which will go towards our drinking fountain fund.
More thanks
It was great to have the Bella Voce Social Club, Jazz NIghts and the Greenwich Morris dancers at our Saturday event, a huge thank you to them for allowing the show to go on during the rain!
Arts in the Park sponsored by Parksfest 2016, Royal Greenwich, 11th and 12 June
Park Maintenance this Saturday (19th March)
Meet at the crossroad of Dothill and the Green Chain walk from 11am -12 noon for ‘Bramble bashing’ and initiating the new hedge trimmer. Bring your own gloves, secateurs and loppers to help reclaim the circular path through the Nature Reserve.
Friends of Shrewsbury Park Summer Festival 2015
Our annual summer festival in June 2015 helped us raise over £500 which will go towards the drinking water fountain (we are over half way towards raising the funds).
We would like to thank all the people who made our Summer Festival successful, the people providing our events, the stall holders, and all the Friends who supported us.
Continue reading Friends of Shrewsbury Park Summer Festival 2015