Category Archives: Events

Tree ID Walk Saturday 9 July at 11am

Join John Denton, a woods-wise FSP member, as he leads us on an hour’s walk through the Park; identifying trees by leaf/fruit/bark, finding the height of trees, calculating their ages, making bark and leaf rubbings AND tree beating!

Correct meeting place is by the notice board in Plum Lane carpark . Wear sturdy shoes. Route will be off and on the paths, so please contact to help us accommodate mobility issues.

Members free, others £2 (but free if you join the Friends)

Friends of Shrewsbury Park Summer Festival 2015

Our annual summer festival in June 2015 helped us raise over £500 which will go towards the drinking water fountain (we are over half way towards raising the funds).

We would like to thank all the people who made our Summer Festival successful, the people providing our events, the stall holders, and all the Friends who supported us.

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