Category Archives: Environment

Memorial bench installed!

Today we welcomed the Mayor of Greenwich, Cllr Denise Hyland, who officially planted the tree and memorial bench in Shrewsbury Park close to the car park.
Committee members and some lucky children got to see the Mayor and hear her speech. She spoke movingly about the losses in our community from the pandemic and why it is so important for us all to remember those who didn’t make it through.
                                                        They then gave her a hand to plant the tree.
It is a Davidia involucrata, AKA the dove-tree, handkerchief tree, pocket handkerchief tree, or ghost tree,  a medium-sized deciduous tree in the family Nyssaceae. It is regarded as the only species in the monotypic genus Davidia and was previously included with tupelos in the dogwood family, Cornaceae.
The bench has a plaque with the following wording:
“Be still and find me in your heart
Sit a while and remember those taken by Covid-19. “

BIRD WALK – Saturday 26 March, 8.30am start

Meet in Plum Lane carpark for the first walk of 2022!

Tim Rymer, an FSP member, will be leading us around the park to identify birds, their preferred habitats, behaviours and much more.

Check out the Bird page under Flora and Fauna on beforehand for a preview of which birds you may see. Wear sturdy shoes and warm clothing – binoculars are helpful too.

Dogs are not allowed on this walk which lasts approximately an hour.    The walk is free, but donations are welcome to FSP projects.

The route for this walk begins on paved paths but then goes off-road, not very suitable for wheels. A gentle, accessible walk may be planned for summer birdsong in May. TBC

Bus 244 stops by the fire station, short walk from the carpark entrance

Book on

Alternatively, drop a note at 189 Plum Lane to reserve your places.


This is a rain or shine walk

Investing in Spring 2022

Thank you, Team!

An energetic team of seven volunteers turned out on that glorious December 4th morning to plant 500 daffodil bulbs. We planted along the path from the carpark to where it opens onto the big field.  It was a pleasure to have so many new faces involved in this yearly effort

So sorry but I was unable to upload their smiling photo due to technical difficulties…will update when I can.

Keep your eyes open in February for the green shoots!

Thank you all – Kris, Chair

WHO LIVES IN THE PARK? #2 – Results from October hedgehog survey

Have a look at this latest link and see a native resident of Shrewsbury Park on one of its nocturnal rambles.

This October a small band of members assembled and set out hedgehog tunnels at three likely spots in the park, all next to wildlife water bowls. As a result of the tracks recorded we put the FSP nature camera trained on this hog house donated a few years ago by two members. This is just one of videos that resulted. Lots of other critters use the water bowls and forage nearby.

Stay tuned for more videos every few weeks…


The FSP nature camera has been sited in various parts of the park undergrowth over the summer. First one to share was  captured on film visiting one of the wildlife watering bowls…

Watch the website for more critters in the coming weeks!

If you are interested in helping with a HEDGEHOG SURVEY this autumn please get in touch via I know a few people have already offered, please send your contact details. First job is to construct some hedgehog tunnels near the feeding station to record tiny footprints of the hogs – or whatever else is mooching about.

BAT WALK- Friday 27th August – starts 8.30pm

Gather next to the notice board by the Plum Lane car park.           After a short intro Les Clark will lead us through the woods and glades where the bats hang out.                                                                           Bat detectors supplied. Thanks to the Lottery Grant last year we have 3 more of our own. And these are available for a week’s loan (see BATS under FLORA and FAUNA in the menu bar)

BOOKING ESSENTIAL! Use this link..

*Wear sturdy shoes and weather-appropriate clothing

*Children must be accompanied by an adult

*Walk lasts about 1 ½ hours and small torches are useful

*Dogs must be kept on a lead

*Please respect social distancing guidelines when walking with other individuals or groups, or wear a mask

If you have mobility issues or enquiries please contact us on and we will help you participate. The trail is a mix of paved path, gravel and grass.


New investment from the Council

We are pleased to report that as part of Royal Greenwich’s £1million investment in parks across the Borough, we now have a new park name sign at Plum Lane.

New bins and benches are being installed during August and wildflower seed planting will take place during the Autumn.

The park has had so much more use over the past 20 months, and we are still seeing new faces all the time. As you might expect, there is more wear and tear on paths and grassed areas that needs attention, and we also want to introduce new facilities.

The management committee are keeping an eye out for funding opportunities and different ways of raising money to make our park even better.

If you have an idea for fundraising, please let us know – just email us!

new sign to Shrewsbury Park on Plum Lane


Help for thirsty creatures

Have you noticed any water bowls tucked into hedges or by trees when walking in the park since that midsummer heatwave?

Thanks to two loyal creature/critter supporters these provide some water in what can be a very dry environment. Hard to believe at the beginning of 2021 but now…

If you would like to help, take a bottle of water with you when you walk in case they are empty. Especially when the weather gets warmer. Please leave the stones are in to provide escape route for wildlife falling in the dish – frogs, insects etc)



Maybe you’ve noticed the two new  plantings of hedgerow saplings on Rowton Road bondary. These are thanks to a few hardy volunteers who just completed the project started in early December. We still had to abide by social distancing but there will be future opportunities for larger group efforts.






There are now nearly 300 saplings p;anted including: silver birch, downy birch, crab apple, dogwood, dog rose, hawthorn, goat willow, cherry, blackthorn, hazel and rowan.  We’ll have a Hedgerow ID Walk sometime in 2023!

Hedgerow vista – 3 patches






Look for the native daffodils growing alongside the patch in foreground.


The longterm plan is to keep them alive and thriving and then manage the size in a natural way. This is to provide habitat diversity and links to green spaces across Plum Lane where there is a new school orchard. Remaining saplings (free from Woodland Trust) will be donated to a greening project in progress on Herbert Road. The oak saplings are going to be used in a Plumcroft project hopefully this autumn.



Spring is truly blossoming now and birds are busy everywhere. Spend some time rediscovering the bird boxes along Dothill path and the various holes in trees.

National Dawn Chorus Day is Sunday 2 May and the RSPB has an excellent ID guide to birdsong (for 20 species) for you to learn before then; or any morning you’re up at dawn…

So open your windows wide or scamper over to the Park at 5.30am on or around May the 2nd for a real treat. You may even see bats returning to roost.

BIrd song identification

RSPB site for Dawn Chorus facts

Should be a lot on Twitter too……