BIRD WALK – Saturday 26 March, 8.30am start

Meet in Plum Lane carpark for the first walk of 2022!

Tim Rymer, an FSP member, will be leading us around the park to identify birds, their preferred habitats, behaviours and much more.

Check out the Bird page under Flora and Fauna on beforehand for a preview of which birds you may see. Wear sturdy shoes and warm clothing – binoculars are helpful too.

Dogs are not allowed on this walk which lasts approximately an hour.    The walk is free, but donations are welcome to FSP projects.

The route for this walk begins on paved paths but then goes off-road, not very suitable for wheels. A gentle, accessible walk may be planned for summer birdsong in May. TBC

Bus 244 stops by the fire station, short walk from the carpark entrance

Book on

Alternatively, drop a note at 189 Plum Lane to reserve your places.


This is a rain or shine walk