Tag Archives: 2019 Spring Walks

Sampling the greenery

The Sunday afternoon foraging walk with Kevin Godby delivered! The plants, the warm sunshine, the good humoured ramblers and our amiable and knowledgeable guide came together – and a good time was had by all. By now some of you know Kevin brings along experimental tidbits from his foraging using the local plants and he didn’t disappoint!

There may be another walk in the autumn, depending on how dry the summer is – or isn’t. Watch this space!

And thank you to Angela and Sandra for the photos…

Tree Identification Walk

Local  enthusiastic amateur, John Denton, will lead us on a walk through the park – introducing you to local flora and fauna, you’ll learn more than you ever dreamt of about the trees in the park, how they’ve survived and thrived, how old they are and much more!

Sunday 28 April at 2pm

Meeting point : Notice Board by the car park. Binoculars and magnifying glass would be handy.  Sturdy footwear would be an advantage.

No dogs please.
Rain or shine, we’ll still go ahead

Read and download John’s  Trees Key and Tree Classification in advance of the walk!

Trees Map

Spring Walks 2019

Dig out the boots and join one of the Spring Walks and Talks planned: Birds, trees, flora foraging and bats!

Full details for each walk will be up in the park notice boards, emailed to members and on this site as they come up.

Bird Walk- Sat 16thMarch

Tree ID Walk – Sun 28th April 2pm

Bat Walk – Fri 3rd May,   8.15pm

Foraging Walk – Sun 12th May, 2.30pm

All walks are now free but donations to support park projects are gratefully accepted.