Bramble Battle!

It was time to fight back the brambles, a continuous job to keep variety in Shrewsbury Park – and still reap the tremendous blackberry crop this year.

Our local Scout leader, Ruby Shand rallied some Scouts to work on their hedgerow area and the Plum Lane path. She also happens to run the Volunteer Days for Barclays employees and once again organised a gang of 25 to donate their time and energy to park tasks.

They followed the expert guidance of John Denton, whose butterfly transect and paths really needed opening up. Plus the crossroads corner and other adjacent paths were cleared for all park users. At least until the next spurt of growth!

They enjoyed the gorgeous day, time outside and a picnic for lunch. And we would like to thank them all for a sterling job which hopefully you are all benefiting from as you walk the park.

Thank you Barclays and 10th Royal Eltham, John for leading and Ruby for organising.