Environment MORE Lockdown Gallery Gallery 27th March 2020 Sandra Bauer Woodland colour Maggie following directions The hole story Courtesy of Tina Muddle Hanging around and feeling a little Blue – John Denton The long hot spring comes to a glorious end – John Denton Basking in the evening Sun, (Comma Butterfly) – John Denton Lockdown Blues – Susan Urpeth May Greens- Susan Urpeth Jack go to bed at Noon – Susan Urpeth Shrewsbury Double – Jim Urpeth Winter Outlines – Jim Urpeth The Way Through – – Jim Urpeth Courtesy of Tina Muddle Courtesy of Tina Muddle Julie Heyward (spot the parakeet) Bernardo L Courtesy of John Donnelly Courtesy of John Donnelly Courtesy of John Donnelly Courtesy of John Donnelly Courtesy of John Donnelly Courtesy of Joyce Smith Courtesy of Joyce Smith Courtesy of Sally Wilson Courtesy of Anthony Hurren Courtesy of John Donnelly Courtesy of our Chair, Kris Inglis Jim Fraser Courtesy of John Donnelly Courtesy of John Donnelly Courtesy of John Donnelly Courtesy of John Donnelly Courtesy of John Donnelly Courtesy of Jim Fraser Courtesy of Bridget Imeson Courtesy of John Donnelly Courtesy of John Donnelly Courtesy of John Donnelly Courtesy of John Donnelly